Introducing Heritage Turkeys at Jones Family Farm & Ranch

At Jones Family Farm & Ranch, we're thrilled to announce our latest venture: raising heritage turkeys! Our commitment to quality, humane farming practices, and delicious, ethically-produced food has led us to this exciting new chapter. Join us as we explore our journey into heritage turkey farming and why these birds are a superior choice for your table.

Our Turkey Tale Begins

We embarked on our turkey-raising adventure in March 2024, bringing a variety of heritage breed poults (baby turkeys) to our Amador County ranch. While we're starting small with just 10 birds this year, we have big plans to increase production in the coming years.

Why Heritage Turkeys?

Heritage turkeys are traditional breeds that have been around for generations. Unlike commercial turkeys, heritage breeds grow more slowly, have a more balanced body structure, and can mate naturally. This results in birds that are healthier, more flavorful, and more closely resemble wild turkeys.

Some of the breeds we're raising include:

  • Bourbon Red

  • Narragansett

  • Standard Bronze

Life on the Farm for Our Turkeys

We believe happy turkeys make for better meat. Our turkeys enjoy a free-range lifestyle that allows them to express their natural behaviors:

  1. Spacious Living: During the day, our turkeys roam the open spaces of our Amador County ranch, foraging for insects and exercising their muscles.

  2. Safe and Sound: At night, they retreat to a secure coop, protected from predators.

  3. Social Creatures: We've designed our setup so that the turkeys can visit their chicken friends when we open their coop. This social interaction keeps them stimulated and happy.

  4. Natural Diet: While we provide our turkeys with a high-quality meat bird feed, they also have the opportunity to free-range for insects, mimicking their natural foraging behavior.

This natural environment not only ensures healthier birds but ultimately results in tastier meat.

The Turkey Personality

One of the most delightful surprises in our turkey-raising journey has been their vibrant personalities. From day one, these birds have shown an incredible zest for life. When our young turkey hatchlings arrived at the post office, the box was literally hopping with their energy!

While our chickens are plenty lively, our turkeys take it to a whole new level. Their curious nature and spirited antics bring daily joy and laughter to our farm.

Join Us in This Turkey Adventure

We invite you to be part of our turkey-raising journey. Whether you're interested in reserving a bird for your holiday table or just want to learn more about heritage turkeys, we'd love to hear from you.

Stay tuned for more updates on our turkey adventure, including:

  • Growth progress of our first flock

  • Cooking tips and recipes

  • Information on how to reserve your holiday turkey

Come visit us and see (and hear!) our energetic turkeys for yourself. We can't wait to share this new adventure with you!


The Rise of Heritage Turkeys: A Return to Tradition


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