Family Run Amador County Farm & Ranch.

Quality food from locally sourced growers should be available to our communities. We want to promote healthy and sustainable living.

Our mission is to raise crops, vegetables and livestock to provide nutritious, sustainable and responsibly farmed food for our family and our local community.

Raising healthy, quality livestock.

We’re committed to ensuring our animals have the best possible life regardless of their purpose in life. We value their contribution to the earth and to our health. In return we love them and care for them until it’s time for the next phase, whether that’s rehoming or harvest.

Free range chicken?

Our egg-laying hens, roosters and meat birds all enjoy plenty of space to do what chickens do best. Interested in getting the finest farm fresh eggs or poultry? Check out our online store to see what’s available or put in a request to be on the waitlist for the next harvest!

“The pork we purchased from Jones Ranch is some of the tastiest pork we’ve ever had. Knowing that we’re supporting local ranchers like the Jones’s just makes it that much sweeter.”

— Rich Fugere, Lockwood Fire Fighter & Amador Resident

Support local ranchers and farmers by sourcing meat and products from small growers.

Sign up to stay up to date with new products and harvest dates for upcoming livestock.